
Hoof Health

Hoof health is imperative to the horses’ overall health. The environment a horse lives in dictates a lot of things that can go on in the hoof. An environment with a lot of moisture breeds thrush. Meanwhile, an environment that is very dry leads to brittle hooves. Luckily, Excel Supplements hoof care products aid in your horses’ hoof health no matter the conditions.

Excel Supplements hoof care products help keep provide moisture in the hoof while creating a water barrier on the outside of the hoof so they do not become too soft. Excel Supplements hoof care products also help to ward against thrush and other hoof care issues.

Excel Shine camellia oil for your horses hooves. omega 3,6, and 9

Hoof Oil Benefits

No Hoof, No Horse! Have you ever heard the saying, “No hoof, no horse?” The definition of that phrase is this: if your horse does not have solid, healthy feet,

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Chestnut horse with Excel Pro Elite Camelina Oil horse supplement with omega 3, 6, and 9.

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