Leg Protection for Horses While Riding

Leg protection for horses is a tale as old as time held to a high standard with varying preferences on the type. You may or may not have heard of the saying "no hoof, no horse." This statement reigns true time and time again. However, continuing up, their legs are next in line to being the only thing allowing us to do what we do. So let's talk about ways to protect the assets we call our horses legs.

Leg Protection for Horses: Protective Boots

Bell Boots

Bell boots protect the coronary band, heel bulbs, and back of hoofs. These boots are good for forgers or overreachers. It is recommended to use this boot with horses that wear shoes with a bar.

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Interference Boots

The first of our leg protection for horses: protective boots is Interference Boots. Interference boots are also known well as ankle boots. Hence their name, they are to prevent and protect from the interference of other legs. That being said, they are good for those that track closely or have an uneven gate. They are also good for horses competing when wearing studs.

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Splint Boots

The second of our leg protection for horses: protective boots is Splint Boots. Also known as galloping boots, these boots are designed to protect the splint bone. With that, they protect the lower leg from being hit with the opposite foot. These boots are good all-around protection for any activity while riding.

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Jumping Boots

The third and last of our leg protection for horses: protective boots is Jumping Boots. These boots are similar to splints but have an open front. They are good for horses that overreach while jumping because they protect the check ligament and high tendons.

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Show jumpers wear protective boots
Seen here is a show jumper wearing jumping boots by Equifit for leg protection.

Leg Protection for Horses: Supportive and Protective Boots

Sports Medicine Boots

The first of our leg protection for horses: supportive and protective boots is the Sports Medicine boot. These boots offer a support strap under the fetlock.  Because of this, they help absorb concussions and reduce the risk of tendon and ligament injury. However, there is a belief they do more than just that.

“Sports medicine boots benefit more than just the part of the anatomy that they fit,” he says. “They support the entire musculoskeletal system of the horse. When used on the (dressage horse’s) hind legs, they reduce or eliminate hock problems.” - Dal Scott CEO of Professional’s Choice Inc.

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Skid Boots

The last of all of the boots we will discuss are skid boots. This leg protection for horses is primarily seen in the western disciplines of reining and cutting due to the quick turns and sliding stops they perform. The boot prevents chafing on the fetlock region of the leg while also protecting the region from impact.

Shop Skid Boots

Leg protection for horses is a tale as old as time held to a high standard with varying preferences on the type. Additionally, some don't believe in using boots on young horses as they believe it will teach them to not watch out for their own legs. This statement has validity and goes to show how every horse person does things differently. At the end of the day, it really comes down to how you are protecting their joints and body from the inside out. While important, external leg protection will only ever offer so much additional protection. Excel Supplements is proud to offer our equine products as an aid to supporting joint function and health in horses, helping from the inside out.

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