Lactate Values in Endurance Horses

Can Supplementing with ExcelEQ ProElite Benefit Lactate Blood Values in Endurance Horses?

The Role of Lactate in Endurance

Blood lactate levels serve as a key indicator of athletic performance in both clinical and field settings. During exercise, the body typically uses oxygen to break down glucose for energy. However, in intense physical activity, oxygen may become scarce, leading the body to convert lactate into energy. This process can cause lactate to accumulate in the bloodstream, which can be a sign of either normal exertion or more serious conditions like ischemia or hypoxemia. Well-trained athletes tend to have lower lactate levels compared to those who are less conditioned, making lactate a valuable marker of exercise tolerance and fitness.

How Omega-3 Oil Enhances Muscle Function

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential nutrients that play a crucial role in maintaining cell membrane health and flexibility. These fatty acids, when incorporated into muscle cell membranes, enhance elasticity and reduce the risk of physical damage during exercise. Additionally, omega-3s help manage inflammatory responses at various levels of cellular metabolism, promoting better overall muscle function and recovery.

Evaluating ExcelEQ ProElite

Our pilot study, "Lactate Value in Endurance Horses," explores the impact of ExcelEQ ProElite on endurance horses. ExcelEQ ProElite is a camelina-based omega-3 oil supplement enriched with olive triterpenes for added antioxidant benefits. This study aims to evaluate how ProElite supplementation influences blood lactate levels before and after endurance races.

Assessing ProElite's Impact

The goal of this study is to analyze the effects of ExcelEQ ProElite on blood lactate values in endurance horses by comparing pre and post-race lactate levels.

Analyzing Metabolic Response

The study involved three Arabian horses competing in endurance races. Each horse participated in two races: one covering 25 miles and the other 50 miles. Blood lactate levels were measured at vet-in, approximately 12 hours before the races, and again 3-4 hours after the races. Initially, the horses competed without omega-3 supplementation. After Race 1, the horses received 2 ounces of ExcelEQ ProElite daily for six weeks before Race 2.

Improvement in Lactate Recovery

The study found that ExcelEQ ProElite supplementation positively influenced lactate values. In Race 1, post-race lactate levels were 0.3 mmol/L higher than pre-race levels, indicating increased muscle exertion. After six weeks of ProElite supplementation, post-race lactate values were, on average, 0.1 mmol/L lower than pre-race levels. This reduction demonstrates enhanced endurance and better lactate recovery.

Conclusion: Enhanced Lactic Acid Dissipation

In conclusion, ExcelEQ ProElite oil effectively improves exercise metabolism in endurance horses. After six weeks of supplementation, horses exhibited a faster reduction in lactic acid levels post-race, highlighting better conditioning and metabolic performance.


  • Goodwin, M. L., Harris, J. E., Hernández, A., & Gladden, L. B. (2007). Blood lactate measurements and analysis during exercise: a guide for clinicians. Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, 1(4), 558–569. doi:10.1177/193229680700100414
  • Lembke, P., Capodice, J., Hebert, K., & Swenson, T. (2014). Influence of omega-3 (n3) index on performance and wellbeing in young adults after heavy eccentric exercise. Journal of Sports Science & Medicine, 13(1), 151–156.
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