What is the healthiest omega oil to feed my dog?

Omega-Fatty Acids are a staple in a healthy diet for humans and animals alike. Over the past ten years, dog owners have educated themselves thoroughly on what diet to feed and why. Many veterinarians and nutritionists recommend adding an omega oil to your dog’s diet. But, with so many options, what is the healthiest omega oil for a dog?

Omegas from Fish Oil

Multiple types of omega oils exist for supplementation in animal diets. The most common omega oil we are familiar with, is fish oil. Fish oil holds many benefits due to its high omega-3 fatty acid profile. However, fish oil comes with its down sides, one being the questionable farming practices. As a result, nutritionists turned to plant-based omegas to achieve similar results.

However, there is ongoing debate on plant-based omega benefits VS fish-based omega benefits. To read our take on plant-based omegas VS fish omegas, read our full article: Are Plant-Based Omegas as Good as Fish Oil? 

Plant-based omegas

Another commonly known supplement, high in omega content, is flaxseed. Flaxseed, both in liquid and powdered form, is a beneficial addition to any diet. However, due to the unbalanced omega-3 fatty acid content, flax is an unstable solution.

Without proper stabilization of these high volumes of omega-3 acids, flax can turn rancid quickly. Not to mention, when omega-3 fatty acids become rancid, they often, have an adverse effect in the diet.

Reliable omegas

A solution to combating both issues, while still obtaining favorable fatty acid profile, is camelina oil. Camelina oil, or false flax, has been a revolutionary option for dog owners looking for an alternative to feeding fish oil and flaxseed.

Not only does camelina hold a favorable fatty acid profile, but also contains vitamin e components pivotal for health.

Camelina oil: Where does it come from?

Camelina, or false flax, comes from the oilseed Camelina sativa, originating from Europe. To learn more about Camelina Oil, and its specific benefits, read our full article: What is Camelina Oil?

Most of the time, supplement companies source their ingredients from outside vendors, meaning- they don't always know where their ingredients originate from. Not to mention, these companies won't always source from the same supplier, leaving your animal open to ingredient changes.

Excel Supplements is the ONLY camelina oil company that owns its camelina sativa seeds and varietals, making ExcelK9 the safest oil to feed your dog.

Where does Excelk9 camelina oil come from?

Excel’s proprietary camelina oil, originates from company-owned seeds and plant varieties.

No preservatives are used in our growing process, making all Excel oils 100% safe for any dog’s diet. Not to mention, our farmers take pride in ensuring that our high-quality ingredients make it to your animal’s food dish safely. Due to Excel's "crop to mouth" promise, ExcelK9 is the best omega oil to feed your dog.

omega balancing act

Balanced omegas for your dog

Next, the healthiest oil for a dog will consist of a balance of omegas. In other words, an oil filled with omega-3 fatty acids, as well as omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids is the gold standard from a nutritional standpoint. Together, these omegas create an ideal balance of anti-inflammatories and antioxidants for your dog.

Omega-3 benefits for dogs

First, omega-3 is the anti-inflammatory component of this oil. The omega-3 fatty acid content offers anti-inflammatory properties that directly help with joint inflammation and improved body condition. Also, if you are dealing with a dog suffering from allergies or other immune conditions, you will notice a great change in their symptoms.

For more information on dog arthritis and pain relief- read our full article here.

Omega-6 benefits for dogs

The omega-6 fatty acid content in ExcelK9 offers inflammatory properties that help with improving your dog’s skin and coat health, while also aiding in weight management and digestive health. Not to mention, omega-6 and vitamin e work together in assisting your dog’s body to heal and recover from past trauma, injury, or other medical conditions.

To learn more about how Excel's balanced omegas can benefit your dog, read our article: Omegas, bioavailability, and your pet's gut.

Omega-9 benefits for dogs

Lastly, omega-9 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties that work in boosting the immune system and eliminate plaque buildup in the arteries. Studies from the National Library of Medicine show many benefits in omega-9 fatty acids, including anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer characteristics.

What is the best omega to feed my dog?

All in all, Excel’s Canine Supplement is the best omega oil you can feed your dog. Not only did we create this oil to improve your dog’s everyday life, but we use it on our animals too!

Want to see if ExcelK9 is right for your dog? View all the ingredients, benefits, and more >> ExcelK9

Additional Resources: National Library of Medicine
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