
Become an Intern

Become an intern for Excel Supplements! An internship with Excel can help give you a great insight on what the animal health industry is all about, while still supporting small business. 

Interns for Excel Supplements can choose to compensation via a stipend, or college credit (if applicable). 

An internship with Excel can give you a huge advantage when applying for jobs within the animal health industry, or give you a foot in the door as our small business grows!

Internship Application

The application process is easy! Please fill out the form below to get started.

A word from 2021 Intern, Sierra Jenkins.

“My time as an intern at Excel Supplements gave me a broader outreach to opportunities within the equine industry. Opportunities that I unknowingly had at my fingertips. During my internship I was continuously encouraged to figure out where my niche would be within the company and pushed to expand my skill sets. I was fortunate to come out of the internship with an internal position for the company. Had I not however, I would have still been grateful for the competitive asset I could add to my resume.”

Our Clients Say

Chestnut horse with Excel Pro Elite Camelina Oil horse supplement with omega 3, 6, and 9.

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